Mumax3 user guide
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MUMAX3 USER GUIDE >> READ ONLINE. oommf tutorial mumax3 paper mumax3 api the design and verification of mumax3 mumax3-convert mumax3 workshop DEPARTMENT OF SOLID STATE SCIENCES DYNAMAT GROUP MUMAX3-WORKSHOP SESSION 2 Dr. Jonathan Leliaert, Dr. Jeroen Mulkers SCHEDULE Monday 08/31,Step by step instructions for operation. 1. Use the micromagnetic solver OOMMF or MuMax to compute the magnetisation state of the object desired. The DyNaMat group organizes a mumax3 workshop starting on Monday August 31, 2020. Instructions on how to subscribe for the workshop will follow soon. MuMax3. GPU-accelerated micromagnetism. Jeroen Mulkers*1,2, Jonathan Leliaert1. * 1DyNaMat group, Department of Solid State See the Parallel QuickStart Guide for access instructions. Running MuMax3 on Parallel. To run MuMax3 on Parallel, include lines in your job script similar to These are example input scripts, the full API can be found here. mumax3 input files are run with the command mumax3 myfile.mx3. Output is automatically stored mumax3 includes a browser-based user interface that lets you follow a running simulation or modify it The benchmark below may guide your GPU choice.
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